

Tchoukball is a fun ball team sport that is easy to learn and quick to catch on!
This makes it very suitable as a team building activity as everyone of all ages can participate and join in the fun.

Typically, we would have a maximum of 20 people per session, so as not to overcrowd on the courts.
There are several variations to the rules of tchoukball that can be tweaked according to your team’s abilities and objectives.

The most common one involves the rule of THREES.
Players can only take 3 steps with the ball (if they catch it in the air, or 2 steps if they are on the ground at that time), you will have 3 seconds with the ball either to pass it or score a goal and each team will only get 3 passes with the ball before they have to score a goal.

The unique part about Tchoukball is that there is no dedicated goal net for each team. Teams can score on either side of the court where the goal nets will be placed. A successfully scored goal would involve the ball bouncing off the nets and hitting the ground before the opponent team is able to catch it.

Eventually, the team with the most goals win! It’s that simple!

Keep in touch!
Locate us

Tel: (65) 89154522

Office address:

362 Upper Paya Lebar Road
Singapore 534963.


WOW Experience in Bintan One Dynamics Team Building Laser Tag in Singapore Water Tag Shooting in Singapore Outdoor Team Building Organiser Leader in Recreation Activities in Singapore Trap / Skeet Shooting in Singapore